BLK (File Format)

This page describes the .blk format, as found in. .blk is used for cluster animations, which edit the movement of the vertices instead of the bones. They are primarily used for kart shadows.

File Format

J3D Header
Offset Format Description
0x00 4-byte String File type magic (always CLK1)
0x04 UInt32 Section size
0x08 UInt8 Loop mode
0x09 UInt8 Angle scale (unused)
0x0a UInt16 Duration
0x0c UInt16 Cluster count
0x0e UInt16 Scale count
0x10 UInt32 Cluster offset
0x14 UInt32 Scale offset
Cluster Entry
Offset Format Description
0x00 UInt16 Duration
0x02 UInt16 Offset
0x04 UInt16 Tangent Type
Scale Entry
Offset Format Description
0x00 UInt16 Frame
0x02 UInt16 Value
0x04 Float Tangent in
0x04 Float Tangent out (if Tantype = 1)

