Custom Sound Effects Tutorial

This is a tutorial that goes over how to make custom sound effects.

Tools / Downloads

Extracts the .aw files into .wave files. This tutorial is meant for versions 6.1.4 and above.

Required for the Mario Kart Double Dash Sound Modding Toolkit to function


  1. Extract the contents of the Mario Kart Double Dash Sound Modding Toolkit to AudioRes
  2. Run initialize.bat. This will create an "Audio_Modding" folder, in which most of the work will be done.
  3. Within "Audio_Modding", there will be several subfolders. The subfolders with sound files that can be edited are documented below. Other folders are not relevant to this tutorial.
  4. Each of these folders has two relevant subfolders to this process: "wav" and "custom". The "wav" folder has a dump of the vanilla sound clips in .wav format. Each of these files has a name that is a number - for example, "0.wav". The "custom" folder is where the custom sound clips go. Do not edit the contents of the "ref", "scenes", or "wav" folders.
  5. The desired sounds to be changed can be found by listening to all of the .wav files in the "wav" folder and noting the filename of the .wav files.
  6. In "custom" folder, place the custom sound clips with filenames corresponding to those in the "wav" folder. For example, if you want to replace the vanilla "1.wav" file, a "1.wav" file should be placed in the "custom" folder. The new .wav files should be 16-bit mono wavs with the same sample rate as vanilla, usually 32KHz or 16KHz.
  7. Run rebuild_all.bat. This will rebuild the necessary files for the game to run.
  8. If using this file to rebuild a new .iso, it may be necessary to move all of the tool files (the "_backup", "_readme + source code", and "Audio_Modding" folders, as well as the "_README FIRST_.txt", "credits.jamtools.generic.txt", "initialize.bat", and "rebuild_all.bat" out of the filesystem directory
Subfolders in Audio_Modding
Folder Name Description
WSYS_BGMSamples Instrument samples used in sequenced music like the title screen, main menu, and the track preview music
WSYS_CommendationVoice Character voices at the award ceremony
WSYS_NintendoLogo The "Neeeeeeeeentendo, woohoo!" clip that plays upon game load
WSYS_SelectVoice Character voices on the character select screen
WSYS_SoundEffects Sound effects, including those used for karts, objects, and statuses
WSYS_Voice In-game character voices