Nintendo AST Creator

Nintendo AST Creator
Creator: gheskett
Version: v1.4
Platform: Windows
Software Type: File Converter
Filetypes: AST
Download: Github


Nintendo AST Creator is a tool created by gheskett. It is used to convert .wav files into .ast files.


Simple Conversion

  1. Start with a 16-bit PCM .wav file
  2. Drag the .wav onto ASTCreate.exe
  3. A .ast file with the same filename as the input should appear in the directory of the input file.

Advanced Settings (Loop Mode)

  1. Start with a 16-bit PCM .wav file
  2. Create a .bat file that will run ASTCreate.exe with a dragged file. See the README for a list of all options.
  3. -s <value> can be used to specify a loop start sample, and -e <value> can be used to specify loop end sample / total number of samples. -n disables looping.
  4. A .ast file with the same filename as the input should appear in the directory of the input file, assuming a custom output file name was not set.


The features of this tool include the ability to define custom loops points. See the README for a complete list of


Source Code

Linux Version Source