
Creator: Xayr
Version: v5.2.2
Platform: Windows
Software Type: File Converter
Filetypes: .baa, .aw, .bsft
Download: Download


WSYSBuilder is a tool created by Xayr. It can unpack and repack .aw files, which are used for character voices and other sequenced sound effects.


  1. Inside Filesystem/AudioRes, extract the program and run "initialize.bat", which will create a folder called "Audio_Modding", where you will do the edits.
  2. Inside the Audio_Modding folder, there will be separate folders for each .aw file.
  3. Inside each of these folders, there are folders for the vanilla sound clips ("wav") and for the custom sound clips ("custom")
  4. To replace a vanilla sound clip, put a .wav of the same name in the "custom" folder.
  5. When you are done, run "rebuild_all.bat" in AudioRes.
