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Creator: Anthe
Version: 2.0
Platform: Windows
Software Type: File Converter
Filetypes: AST
Download: Kuribo64


astConverter is a tool created by Anthe. It is used to convert a .ast to a variety of sound file formats as well as the other way around.


.wav / .mp3 -> .ast

  1. Open astConverter Metro.exe. A GUI should show up.
  2. Click the box on the left and select a valid audio file or drag a valid audio files onto the program.
  3. Set loop points, if wanted, on the boxes to the top right.
  4. Click on the button that says "Done. Press this button to start the conversion!" to convert the file.
  5. An .ast file with the same name as the input file should be input file's directory.


This tool allows you to set loop points.