How to Play Mods

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MKDD Track Patcher


You will need to download the MKDD Track Patcher and any desired mod .zip files. You will also need an Mario Kart: Double Dash!! .iso file, which you are on your own to find. One everything is downloaded, extract the mkdd track patcher .zip, but not any of the mod .zip files.

Using the Patcher

Open patcher.exe. You will see three fields: The input .iso, the .zip files and the output .iso in that order. First, choose the .iso that you wish to patch. This .iso will not be overridden. You will see that the third field is automatically filled out. It is filled with <the original .iso name>.new_iso.iso, and appears in the same directory as the chosen .iso. You can manually change this output path, if desired. It is recommended for you to patch an .iso that is not on a USB disk, because that can slow down the program. For the second field, choose any .zip files that you wish to patch into the .iso. This can be one or multiple mods.

Finally, hit the "Patch" button at the bottom.


Several errors and warnings can occur in this process:

If the program says that some .zip files were excluded due to not being mods, it means that the .zip itself is problematic, and there's not much that you can do. However, if you notice that the mods not being patched in were from Google Drive links, make sure that you downloaded the actual .zip file in the linked Google Drive folder, not the folder itself.
If the program says that there are conflicts, it means that some mods are overriding the same files. See below on potential fixes. If the program is taking too long, and you are patching an .iso on some external storage, try moving the files to internal storage, and patching from there.

Custom Voiced Characters / Similar Audio Mods

The patcher is only capable of creating a custom .iso with one custom voice / other sound clip edits. Basically, if you have two mod .zips with custom voice clips / custom sound clips, then only one of them will appear in the final .iso. Additionally, all mods of this nature need to be patched in first, before any other mods. Basically, in a first round of patching, you should patch in only the mod with the voice clips. Then, you need to patch the new .iso with all of the other mods. Doing only one round of patching will cause the audio to be messed up in the .iso.
Track mods do not edit sound clips, but rather entire songs, so they should be patched in the second round of patching. All characters with voices will be indicated as such on or near the download link, as per wiki rules.

Resolving Conflicts

Suppose you have multiple mods that are currently trying to override the same file. You may have some solutions.
If you are trying in patch in non-track mods, then there's not much you can do beside some heavy renaming on your part. If you are trying in patch in custom tracks, then you can fix your issue, provided that you are trying to patch in fewer than 16 tracks.

  1. Identify the tracks that are in conflict with each other. Most tracks have a recommended slot on their page, but you can identify exactly which track is being overridden by looking at the trackinfo.ini file in the downloaded .zip file
  2. Edit the trackinfo.ini file of one of the conflicting mods.
    1. Change both the "replaces" and "music replaces"

MKDD Extender


You will need to download the MKDD Extender, and any desired custom course from the wiki (the .zip archives). You will also need a retail Mario Kart: Double Dash!! .iso file, which unfortunately cannot be shared in this wiki.


  • Launch the MKDD Extender.
  • Select the input ISO file and the destination file.
  • Select the directory containing the custom courses.
  • Drag & drop the custom courses from the left-hand side pane onto the main area.
  • Press the Build button to generate the new ISO file.

Note: Unlike the MKDD Track Patcher, the MKDD Extender does not support custom characters.

More details can be found in the MKDD Extender page.